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BETSY - Exploring Her Sexuality

21m 47s
United States
Produced by: William Hartmann, Ph.D. & Marilyn Fithian, Ph.D.
Original Format: 16 mm

This film depicts a woman in her early sixties exploring her sexuality as she stands nude before three mirrors. About 10 years earlier, feeling “fat, flat and flabby,” she decided to do something positive about her self-image. Through exercise, dancing, women’s group activities, nudist activities, and surgery she has developed a positive image and self-concept. This film shows how an older woman has taken responsibility for her own appearance and body functioning and has derived much pleasure from doing something about it. This film is useful for college courses in human sexuality, women’s groups, and with therapy clients.

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Comment(s) On:
BETSY - Exploring Her Sexuality

Posted by Mynagerie1 (3422 days ago)
This is a very touching and inspiring video. It also gives women so much permission to do things that make them feel good and attractive.