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BETTY DODSON: Her Life of Sex and Art

1hr 9m 1s
United States
Produced by: Mark Schoen

Who knew that Betty Dodson started with career as a fine artist and that painting the nude would inspire her to lead the charge for female sexual liberation?

Betty reveals her history through images of her art and shows how she used her creative talent to promote women's sexual pleasure and health. Nearly 200 pieces of original art created over the last 45 years make this film a must see for art and sex lovers alike.

Beginning with the early years of self-exploration to the courageous sharing of her own sexual growth, Betty Dodson teaches as she entertains. See this feminist icon as she has never been seen before, the artist, the sexual innovator and humanist all rolled into one dynamic person.

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Comment(s) On:
BETTY DODSON: Her Life of Sex and Art

Posted by Anonymous (1420 days ago)
Betty Dodson is an icon. She put vibrators on the map for women and truly started a revolution! Forever grateful!
Posted by Jessiebt (3397 days ago)
She new to me....but I am interested....certainly pause for thought..
Posted by addictions (4026 days ago)
OMG!! is what I am feeling, phenonenal Betty, thank you.
Posted by Anonymous (5619 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (5818 days ago)
Betty Dodson is one of the most important contributors to the sexual health of women. She is one of the few 1970s feminists who really "got it" about sex. In fact, she is one of the most important sexologists of the 20th century. How lucky we are to still have Betty with us. Nearing age 80, she is still out there destroying sexual ignorance. Seeing and hearing Betty talk to an audience is an awesome event, and will lots of laughs. How luck we are to have this marvelous and most important documentary by Mark Schoen.