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Norway - "THE PARTY"

0m 45s
Produced by: ROBIN GOOD

Safe Sex message addressing teens. 

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Comment(s) On:
Norway - "THE PARTY"

Posted by Anonymous (3913 days ago)
Henry- I think this commercial really is not only funny and will catch young people attention but it is also the truth, being that this situation can really happen especially in places such as universities where there is more drinking and unprotected sex.
Posted by Anonymous (3916 days ago)
Jen: This commercial is like a smack in the face wake up call. And it's funny and gives a clear message. I would recommend it
Posted by Anonymous (3928 days ago)
Dyllan- I found this commercial to be comical and realistic! I feel like this could totally happen, especially in a college atmosphere. It definitely got the message across.
Posted by Anonymous (3928 days ago)
Amira: This commercial was funny and the perfect reality check for people.
Posted by Anonymous (3931 days ago)
This commercial was hilarious, but also very realistic. I think the clever, comedic relief helps people pay attention to the message it's trying to get across.
Posted by Anonymous (3933 days ago)
Jason Hannay: This stood out to me because I feel like this is actually what happens sometimes. Don't be a fool, wrap your tool.