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Make Love Not Porn

9m 46s
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Cindy Gallop: I would like to stress the following: Make Love Not Porn is not about judgment, or what is good vs what is bad. Sex is the area of human experience that embraces the widest possible range of tastes. Everyone should be free to make up their own mind about what they do and don't like. MakeLoveNotPorn is not anti-porn. I like porn and watch it regularly myself. MakeLoveNotPorn is simply intended to help inspire and stimulate open, healthy conversations about sex and pornography, in order to help inspire and stimulate more open, healthy and thoroughly enjoyable sexual relationships. I welcome all feedback and input. You can contact me here or at

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Comment(s) On:
Make Love Not Porn

Posted by Anonymous (3796 days ago)
Although my device. Won't allow me to see your video, I appreciate your forum it sounds healthy, is it working out as expected. I live in Atl and haven't seen this open mindedness in a while. Hope you have nice 😈
Posted by Anonymous (3946 days ago)
tanck u cindygallop i appreshiAat u
Posted by Anonymous (4036 days ago)
love it
Posted by Anonymous (4045 days ago)
You did record 5 stars!
Posted by Anonymous (4053 days ago)
This is a topic that is almost never talked about and desperately needs to be! You have done a fantastic job in doing so. I love that you do not "beat around the bush", you are very straight forward, and not afraid to say exactly as it is! Simply very well put. Incredible job. Very well done! I wish we could get more of your word/education out there! You could not be more right. . The world would indeed be a much happier place if they only knew what you know.
Posted by Anonymous (4053 days ago)
Ugh. .I gave you 5 stars but it automatically gives 4 so I tried to do it again and the exact same thing happened! Your presentation is very informative, keeps a person tuned in, simply absolutely fantastic and most certainly is deserving of all 5 stars! Many thanks :-)
Posted by Anonymous (4362 days ago)
Eeek! I am the idiot who gave you 4 starts, it was a slip of the finger, and I meant 5, but can't seem to change me! I loved it, thank you so much!
Posted by Anonymous (4362 days ago)
Enjoyed your present, thank you. I too date younger men and along with wanting to know "do I squirt", "can they cum on my face, the also think all women want to be spanked! It is clear to me men in their 30s are learning from porn.
Posted by Anonymous (4520 days ago)
Posted by Anonymous (4577 days ago)
Thank you very much for posting this! You might also like to read my TED (very short) e-book 'Make Love Not Porn: Technology's Hardcore Impact on Human Behavior': - and watch this space: launching soon - Cindy Gallop @cindygallop
Posted by Anonymous (4803 days ago)
Very educational.
Posted by Anonymous (4845 days ago)
World peace?! What is she talking about?
Posted by Anonymous (5066 days ago)
This was a great speech about a topic that was never talked about. Great job Cindy!!