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Spain - "GYM"

1m 16s
Produced by: CONTRAPUNTO

Condom Awareness for teens.

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Spain - "GYM"

Posted by Anonymous (3913 days ago)
The video makes condom use more normative. No one was afraid or embarrassed that they use protection. Even girls were standing up to claim that the condom was theirs. This video could help in making females carrying condoms more normative.
Posted by Anonymous (3913 days ago)
Casey Burns: It was very empowering that the students portrayed were not ashamed of using protection during sexual activity. This video does a remarkable job of tackling the issues of both peer pressure and teen sex within the same advertisement.
Posted by Anonymous (3913 days ago)
It was very empowering that the students portrayed were not ashamed of using protection during sexual activity. This video does a remarkable job of tackling the issues of both peer pressure and teen sex within the same advertisement.
Posted by Anonymous (3914 days ago)
Eric Bandin: I liked how the commercial used the teacher's ignorance as a way of highlighting the pride that teens should have in their condom usage. This commercial was compelling in that it provided a positive attitude about condoms to be emulated by viewers.
Posted by Anonymous (3914 days ago)
Jessica Otero: This commercial makes using a condom an "everybody" thing, with all the kids standing up to say it was theirs, even girls too. It is geared toward a younger audience that really needs these kinds of messages. I especially like how direct the commercial was in it's showing of the condom and in it saying: put it on, put it on him. I really liked it.
Posted by Anonymous (3923 days ago)
Kourtney Lavallee: I thoroughly enjoyed this commercial because of its positive connotation of condoms in high school. In high school people are made fun of for carrying them around and looked down upon. In the video all of the students stood up together to claim the condom which was impressive to me.
Posted by Anonymous (3931 days ago)
Danielle Buchbinder: This commercial empowers young people to practice safe sex. By presenting the information in an inspiring way, teens will not feel overwhelmed or intimidated to learn about or to actually practice safe sex. This commercial does an amazing job of presenting the information in a way that makes people listen and teaches a lesson.
Posted by Anonymous (3932 days ago)
Gabrielle Keener: The students all standing together signify that they understand that there should be no shame in having a condom in your possession because it is a responsible act that could prevent STI's or unplanned pregnancy. This is a great message to send to kids.
Posted by Anonymous (3933 days ago)
Shirene Tabarestani: I really enjoyed how all of the students stood up to having a condom in their gym locker, because it shows that they are thinking on a greater and more responsible level in having protected sex. The message at the end was very effective as well.
Posted by Sherrie Vavrichek (4066 days ago)
Great message on many levels.