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RAPE AWARENESS by Athletes for Sexual Responsibility

25m 44s
United States
Directed by: Sandy Caron, Ph.D.
Produced by: University of Maine

Athletes for Sexual Responsibility is a program directed by Dr. Sandra L. Caron, Professor of Family Relations/Human Sexuality at the University of Maine. It uses athletes as role models and actors who portray characters in damaging or potentially harmful sexual situations and then engage the audience to explore positive alternatives. A series of three brief vignettes portray how better communication might make a positive difference in tough sexual dilemmas and decisions. In this video, three skits are presented on the issue of rape: 

  • Skit #1 is called THE DATE and deals with a date rape;
  • Skit #2 is called THE MORNING AFTER and focuses on gang rape;
  • Skit #3 is called TALKING WITH FRIENDS and shows a woman talking to her friends about her own experience with being rape.

Each skit will be shown first in the "bad way" - followed by questions on the screen.

The viewer can pause to discuss each of these questions, and then show the skit again in the "good way."

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RAPE AWARENESS by Athletes for Sexual Responsibility

Posted by addictions (3736 days ago)
This video was very informative and a trail blazer. Campus rape is at epidemic crisis level in America. Thanks you!
Posted by Anonymous (4449 days ago)