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Young Christians Living in a Hook-Up Culture

21m 32s
United States
Produced by: Reverend Beverly Dale

The Rev Dr Beverly Dale introduces a campus-wide Sex Symposium "Young Christians Living in a Hook-Up Culture: Communicating, Negotiating, and Enjoying" by teaching how to read the Bible to discern a moral sexual ethic and by clarifying what the Bible does and does not say about sex. To receive a copy of the handout "Assumptions to be Challenged" email or for consultations or speaking engagements contact her directly at

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Comment(s) On:
Young Christians Living in a Hook-Up Culture

Posted by Anonymous (5001 days ago)
this is your opinion u don't have to force it on us!
Posted by Anonymous (5102 days ago)
Very good. It is a pity it includes that one has to love God. There is no God!