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Auto Insurance . . . Based on a true story!

2m 52s
United States
Produced by: Luke Barats and Joe Bereta

Luke Barats and Joe Bereta began collaborating in 2003 at Gonzaga University where they were active in the theater department, broadcasting department, and led the school's improv comedy troupe. Later that year they began making short videos to amuse their friends which were eventually compiled on a website. In 2005 Barats and Bereta won the Brickwall Amateur Comedy Competition with their two-man stand up routine. That same year they won the Spokane First Night Film Festival and received some sweet plaques to prove it. Since then their short, punchy videos have made their way around the Internet and have been seen by a goodly number of people. Barats and Bereta are currently employed at Cornerbooth Film & Video Production and perform improv with ComedySportz in Spokane, Washington

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Comment(s) On:
Auto Insurance . . . Based on a true story!

Posted by Anonymous (4883 days ago)
This was totally funny. I, too, enjoyed doing this with bill collectors. You know, those whom you've told that you don't have the money now, but you will catch up later, and they harass you repeadedly anyway!
Posted by Anonymous (4956 days ago)
lmao that was hella funny !!!
Posted by Anonymous (5092 days ago)
HA HA HA H A thats totally hilarious... Go get em buddy... LMAO...