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Trailer: How Do I Look

10m 15s
United States
Produced by: UNKNOWN

The How Do I Look documentary was created by artistic and social activist Wolfgang Busch for Art From The Heart LLC, over a period of 10 years, to empower the Ball community artistically and financially and to build a national artistic infrastructure to further the careers of LGBT artists.

  • How Do I Look is a LGBT artistic empowerment, HIV/AIDS awareness community project and an arts in education program, focusing on the members of the national Ball community that took their talents outside the Ball scene and worked with superstars such as: Queen Latifa, Madonna, India and fashion designer Thierry Mugler to name a few.
  • How Do I Look captured the Ball communities talents, the assets of this very creative and trend setting community and takes you inside of this over 35 year old Harlem tradition.
  • How Do I Look highlights on the legends and icons life styles, their house system and family values, their every day struggles, the fierce fashion, the dance vogue old way vs. new way and runway competition, the passing of three generations of ballroom traditions, transgender health issues and education, HOPE messages on the battle with HIV/AIDS, and how they build their confidence, self esteem and ballroom status through the performance art.

The outstanding fashion, runway and voguing visuals in this documentary are the result of this improvisational performance art form and the natural artistic progression. It was captured by German/American activist and film maker Wolfgang Busch through an artistic lenses, while showcasing their talents in different categories on the runway, battling for that perfect 10 from the judges for ballroom status, recognition, cash and trophies, to become legendary and to be voted into the Ballroom Hall of Fame one day.

Based on their gender, every house member can participate and has the opportunity to bring their fantasy to reality on the runway, living that superstar moment, most of them can not experience anywhere else. Lifetime achiever and Ballroom Hall of Famer Kevin Omni and mother of the year 2004 Luna Khan are assistant directors and Marcel Christian, Alvernian Prestige, Mann Prodigy, Ricky Revlon, Derryck Labeija, CoolAid and Jack Mizrahi give us the Ballroom history. Legendary Icon Pepper Labeija, one of the founders of the Harlem Ball scene from the sixties, is being honored by the community for his leadership and for his endless contributions.

HDIL captures the unique talents of futuristic bazaar fashion designers Ross Infiniti and RR Chanel International, along with the voguing talents of Willi Ninja, Jose Xtravaganza, Mecca, Muhammad Omni and Andre Mizrahi who keep the history and the legacy alive for future generations to enjoy. The powerful transgender community is represented by Octavia St. Laurent, Carmen Xtravaganza, Tracy Africa, Alyssa St. Clair and Jazmine Givenchy Blahnik. They speak about their diverse life styles such as graduating from Syracuse University, modeling & performance careers and the stages of transformation of becoming a transgender. Octavia’s farther Billy Austin tells us to love our children as they are. Luna Luis Ortiz, Mother of the House of Khan leaves the children with a message of HOPE by sharing his story about how he became infected with the HIV virus during his first sexual experience at the age of 14; and how he continues to live a full life at the age of 33, using his photography skills as a teacher at the Harvey Milk High School. Harmonica Sunbeam speaks of the importance of protecting yourself against HIV at all times. Jaimee Balenciaga, voted mother of the year for 7 years in a row, is a lesbian talking about how she educates her house children and prepares them for the competition on and off the runway.

Poems are by Emanuel Xavier called “Legends” and by Octavia St. Laurent the “Chosen One.”

The music is provided by the local community, Tori Fixx from Chicago, DJ PUNCH from Atlanta, Deadlee from Los Angeles, Michael O’ …

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Trailer: How Do I Look

Posted by gendershark (5083 days ago)
Great Stuff!!