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The Internal Clitoris with Betty Dodson

3m 12s
United States
Produced by: BAD Productions

Betty Dodson draws and describes the structures of the vulva, including the internal clitoris.

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Comment(s) On:
The Internal Clitoris with Betty Dodson

Posted by Anonymous (4369 days ago)
Nice Video to learn about Female Sex organ
Posted by Anonymous (4553 days ago)
I love that this woman uses all the correct terms, but than says "ass hole" and "balls"
Posted by Anonymous (5012 days ago)
eita so o brasil aqui é tudo ingles inda bem que falo inglês e espanhol e bom que sei oque vc conversa translation traduçao Jeez, only Brazil is everything here that speak English how good English and Spanish and know what it's good that you talk Ouvir Ler foneticamente
Posted by Anonymous (5102 days ago)
what every woman should know.
Posted by Anonymous (5196 days ago)
OUTSTANDING! And what a learning tool!!