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The Blindfolded Wand Tease

7m 57s
Produced by: Produced by a SexSmartFilm user.

Wands are very powerful and for some men they climax quickly when used. An alternative is to introduce teasing by setting up the wand hanging and swinging. Being blindfolded makes it difficult to keep the wand settled on one area. This introduces frustration and fun as the pleasure point keeps moving.

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Comment(s) On:
The Blindfolded Wand Tease

Posted by SteveK (208 days ago)
The blindfold adds another dimension in that there are no other visual distractions. He becomes one with his penis and the quest for sexual pleasure. He becomes more frantic as his penis becomes more erect in search for the pleasure and ultimate orgasm/ejaculation
Posted by moxiemagic (1445 days ago)
Interesting that this submission’s icon is the video’s leading text. It should be the subject’s face. More descriptive :)