best sex education therapy video web site

Easy to Get

21m 34s
United States
Produced by: A U.S. War Department Training Film
Original Format: 16 mm

This film is aimed specifically at black soldiers. Almost all of the people who appear on the screen are black. In a story format, over footage of soldiers picking up girls in a drugstore and in a nightclub, the dangers of sexual intercourse with pickups and prostitutes are emphasized. The results of untreated gonorrhea and/or syphilis are shown in a man with swollen knees, a man having a heart attack, an infected penis, a bed ridden older man, and a man whose speech and memory have become defective.

Over and over, the narrator urges the viewer to use condoms, visit the pro station, and report to his medical officer immediately if he suspects that he has contracted a venereal disease. Men are shown at a pro-station, thoroughly washing their genitals. The use of a "pro kit" is demonstrated.

Paul Robeson and Olympic athlete Ralph Metcalf, in separate segments, urge soldiers to keep themselves clean so that they can be strong. Shots include: dancing in a "juke joint;" footage from a Joe Louis Max Schmelling boxing match; footage from the 1936 Berlin Olympics featuring black American athletes.

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Comment(s) On:
Easy to Get

Posted by Anonymous (5514 days ago)
As an African American Health Educator, I teach on this subject matter to minority teens and adults. I'm amazed at the emphasizes of sex with a woman. They(Educators) kept saying you get VD from sex with a woman. I wonder when did they(educators) discover that VD can be caught or passed from gay men and lesbian women as well through sex? Also, I'd like to know when did they(educators) discover that there are more VDs than just Gonorrhea and Syphilis? I do believe that these diseases have been around for decades but apparently research was much poorer during those days as well as education. It makes me wonder what diseases are coming next in 20-50yrs. I think this was interesting to watch on how education has changed over the years. I'd love to use this for educational purposes and how the younger generation should appreciate the benefits of health education now versus then.