best sex education therapy video web site

In Search of Information?
We Have the Answers!
Whether Concerning Sexual Behavior …
Sexual Orientation … Gender Identity …
Sexual Counseling or Therapy … Make SexSmartFilms Your Destination.
“The Netflix of Sex Education” — Douglas Braun-Harvey, MFT CGP —


SexSmartFilms blazes a new modern path through the complex diversity of modern sex education. … We welcome you.


SexSmartFilms proudly serves as a repository for some of the world’s most influential films on human sexuality.


The sexual and gender diversity of our library has made us the video tool box for leading therapists and their clients.

Featured Video

**Featured videos do not contain explicit material.

Dr. Ruth and the Sexual Revolution

from United States (1998)

Part of the SexSmartFilms EDUCATION Collection

SexSmartFilms Theatre


  • SexSmartFilms is the Netflix of Sex Education.

    Douglas Braun-Harvey, MFT CGP
    San Diego, CA

  • Promoting Sexual Literacy is founder, Mark Schoen, Ph.D.’s motto, and he certainly lives up to what he aims for! Sex Smart Films is a sex educator’s dream. Designed to be a one stop online location for hard to locate visual aids, you can gather vintage films, clips of famous sexologists being interviewed, and the latest in sexual studies.

    The Center for Health and Pleasure

  • Sex Smart Films: The best resource on the web for sex education.

    One of the most interesting people in the field of sexuality education is Dr. Mark Schoen. He has used his talent for film making and his PhD in Human Sexuality Education to bring the two together in a unique and brilliant way.

    Kelly Connell

  • I have found SexSmartFilms to be a most important teaching resource. It provides the best and widest collection of sexual health films. If you are teaching human sexuality SexSmartFilms will be a bonus for your students.

    Besides having access to some of the most important films in the field, I also engage the students in the site. For example, I have the students view the collection of safer sex ads from forty five countries around the world. The students view a few dozen of the advertisements and then compare and contrast these to each countries teen pregnancy and HIV rates. It is an eye-opening activity which offers students a broad international perspective on how other cultures are dealing with sexual health issues. By viewing the collection of ads from around the world, students have the opportunity to question assumptions about culture and sexuality, and to learn from societies that have different solutions to similar problems.

    Sandra L. Caron, Ph.D.
    Professor of Family Relations/Human Sexuality
    College of Education and Human Development
    University of Maine

Help PromoteSexual Literacy


With the evolution of SexSmartFilms we have dramatically increased the number of videos (more than 600 and adding) and have made it much easier to find the programs you are looking for:

  1. Use the search function on the home page to find a title or subject.
  2. Navigate by subject matter using the main headings, Education, Research and Therapy.
  3. If you have suggestions for improving SexSmartFilms, do not hesitate to use the contact form to let us know. We encourage community involvement at SexSmartFilms.
  4. Use our upload function to upload your video and description to SexSmartFilms.

To get UNLIMITED access to the 600+ films simply subscribe:

  • One-month $9.99
  • Three-months $24.99
  • One-year $59.99

These subscriptions are NOT self-renewing.

Dr. Mark Schoen

The Doctor Is In

Meet Mark Schoen Ph.D

Become Sex Smart

SexSmartFilms preserves, archives and showcases films addressing sexual health issues. Ranging from classic to contemporary, these films all have a common theme — providing accurate sex information. We work hard to provide content appropriate for all age groups, and for your convenience, use subject, age group, and content to categorize our library.

We are here to help you get the sexual information you want.  All videos are screened by experts before they are approved to go live on  You can help us maintain a high quality of information and learning by rating and/or commenting on videos viewed.  Remember, we delete videos getting consistently low ratings. Your critical comments may be helpful to future viewers.  Telling why the video worked for you can be useful to the SexSmartFilm Community.